My Lovely Trip To Bornholm, Denmark
Bornholm is such a special place. It is at once simple yet dramatic, heavily textured yet clean, colorful yet sometimes viewed in neutrals for as far as the eye can see. It's where one side of my family tree is documented, so far, to the mid 1800s, having been born on Bornholm. Funny, the other side of my family tree is documented to the very early 1800s far away from Bornholm, also in Denmark, in Jutland, the largest piece of land one thinks of when one thinks of Denmark.
I went to Bornholm, then to Copenhagen in late August, alone, in search of artisans for my and my daughter's new brand, Scandinavian Made, a webshop of artisans' works that are made in Scandinavia, by the artisan, whose works are available in the US exclusively in our webshop.
I drove around Bornholm, often losing my way and not caring, and found the most amazing artisans! The landscape is incredible, the people are friendly and the food is, to me, amazing!! I've been to Bornholm before, and it always refreshes my spirit. Here are images of Bornholm in late summer, perfect for this cold winter's day. All images taken by me.
Below, a stop off on the side of the road
Below, one of my most favorite images, ever. The sand on this beach is famous for having been used as hour glass sand, it is so incredibly fine.
Below, stunning rock formations in the sea
Below, on a rugged path, looking down to the sea
Below, I was moved by the beautiful, ancient, round churches in Bornholm, one in which my grandmother was baptized. Below, a church built in 1150!
Below, a gallery that I wish were open! Artists have been drawn to Bornholm for many years, as the quality of light is said to be unique and inspiring
Below, the Bornholm art museum, a stunningly beautiful place
Below - One day, as I was wandering, I came upon this lovely ceramics shop, owned by the artisan, that was open
Below - I was truly astounded/touched/moved by the beauty of the pieces I encountered. I saw that these pieces were made by the artisan with what appears to be raw emotion. You can see more of this fabulous artisan's original works in my and my daughter Kelly's webshop, Scandinavian Made.
The lovely small villages on the coast are serene
And last but not least, the reception area of a beautiful inn that I stayed at. The decor is that great Scandinavian eclectic combination of classic traditional furnishings set within a modern decorative foundation (floors, furniture, lots of white and art.)
What does this post have to do with kitchens? Everything! It's all inspiration which touches all future projects.