A Little Time Off...
Image captured on my recent trip to Paris!As sometimes happens with my blog, I might seemingly disappear for a bit. And, I guess I actually do, at least in terms of regular blog writing. And, I always regret that, while at the same time I am planning post after post as events transpire, only to get involved with something else before I put fingers to the keyboard. Thus, the regret!
Right now, and for some time, I have been juggling some very exciting balls, all in the air (ok, the blog ball dropped!) I am currently working on:
- designing kitchens for clients
- running the business and all that entails
- participating in short design consultations for clients
- keeping my hand in Twitter, my personal facebook profile and my professional Facebook page ("like" me!)
- working closely with Angela Min, who has been part of my business since the spring (she's awesome, classically trained in Interior Design with a masters degree in ID, and you will be hearing from Angela on this blog and elsewhere!)
- working on my new product line, Bornholm, to be launched this summer and all THAT entails (a lot!)
- attending industry events
- blogging for Sears, Decorati, Divine Caroline, K+BB
- interacting with members of the media on various projects
- not to mention an active personal/family life including a recent trip to Paris! And my 35 babies (roses in my garden!)
I did take a number of days off in the middle of a busy time to (obsessively) search for the perfect project management system to keep it all running smoothly and which serves as a great communications platform between Angela and I and for us and our clients.
Seeking something new, I got my hair cut in Paris! So fun! Total language barrier too!I'd say that my career has never been as interesting, diverse, fun, and hopeful as it has been in the recent past, right now, and for the foreseeable future. I'm loving every day and all the interactions with clients and industry colleagues, new and old.
I'm deeply entrenched into all things "kitchen" focused and in my new project management system, I have a special place set up for blog ideas so they now will not escape me after I say to myself "YES, I've GOT to blog about that!"
More soon....and I hope this finds you well. I'd love to know what you are finding new and exciting in the world of design...
Reader Comments (10)
Congrats on all the exciting things happening in your professional and personal live :)
I remember, during one of our dinners at the Brizo/Jason Wu Fashion show, how excited you were discussing your roses. I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your beautiful rose garden(s).
BTW, love your new hair style. Gorgeous, rich color - looks amazing!
Your hair looks lovely and chic! It reminded me of when I was 16 and in Paris; I decided I wanted my shoulder-length bob gone. I walked into a salon with my high-school French and walked out with an adorable Madonna-in-her-Papa-Don't-Preach-phase crop! Language barrier? Ha! I figured, he's French! He'll know what to do! And he did. Scary and exhilarating at the same time.
Best of luck with all of your endeavors!
Carmen, thanks for your comment, you're a peach! You don't have to ask me twice...I'll work in rose images somehow!
MC...exactly! My husband was with me and he loved the idea too! Love your story! The funny thing is, I go to one salon in New York, and because I don't plan very far ahead when I realize I need my hair cut, I go with whoever is available, rarely seeing the same stylist twice, so I'm used to surprises, and love it!
had wondered if all was well with you, glad to hear your news.
Your hair looks tres chic!
Chloe, good to hear from you! How are you? Luckily, the hair stylist is coming to New York in September, and he said he'd cut my hair again! If you're near New York...let me know if you're interested!
Now, I also need to hear from Connie to know all is right with the world. :)
I have been able to keep my blog site going five a week for over two years, but it often comes at the expense of other things I should be doing. It is very time-consuming. The one thing that seems to help me a lot is if I just "wriggle my fingers" when I first come up with the blog idea. If I spend a couple of minutes while I'm still excited about the idea itself and just pound out anything and everything, I find that when I do sit down to write that particular blog that I don't to start from Square One.
Susan, that's a great look for you! Yes, love it!
had wondered if all was well with you, glad to hear your news.
Your hair looks tres chic!
Hey Susan
Glad you are back.
What a lovely haircut that you had. Keep up the good work.
Susan, that's a great look for you! Yes, love it!