The Kitchen Designer

Thanks for stopping by! I'm Susan Serra, certified kitchen designer, and my mission is to take kitchen design style, function and analysis to a higher level. Here's why the kitchen has the most honored place in the home - all five senses reside in the kitchen.  Best...Susan  Contact: susan@susanserraassociates.com

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Blogging The Architectural Digest Home Show, Kitchen Stuff

Went to the Architectural Digest Home Show Saturday, at Pier 94, in New York. It's a good show. There are awesome, very cool, and one-of-a-kind things to be found here.

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I dressed for a client meeting I had in the morning. It was an outfit I got in Norway from a Swedish clothing design company. Gauzy, with a charming print, which went down to the knees and then with some leggings in a close, but different, pattern that went along with it. So far so good. Meeting went well, on to the city to meet the husband who worked that morning.

My feet hurt in the shoes I was wearing. I didn't know till after I left for my meeting that we'd be going to the show, so I needed desperately to buy a new pair of shoes before I walked the show. We went to Foot Action on 34th street and 7th avenue. The music was louder than I've heard at any party I've ever gone to, how is that possible? The staff was dancing with whoever walked by. I guess I got in a party mood, my husband's feet were tapping to the music, and so I picked out a pair of lightly sparkling goldy sneakers with orange trim and laces. I'm READY. I'm hip. The only problem was that we went to the Javits Center, only to find it was at Pier 94. A fight with a stupid cab driver later, we finally got there. I swear, they purposely take the long way. You know what I mean.

Back to the show. The items seen here are to die for. They are mostly innovative, luxury, items...a highly stylized point of view. A fair number of companies were showing green/sustainable products, nice to see. Of course, I concentrated on looking for kitchen related items and vignettes.





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