WestEdge Design Fair - 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013 at 11:23AM
Susan Serra, CKD


By: Susan Serra, CKD, CAPS

I'm attending the WestEdge design fair in sunny LA this week! WestEdge will showcase U.S. AND international design. 

Chelsea Design Center, London, which I visited on a previous BlogTour
I was invited by Modenus which presents "BlogTours" in the U.S. and abroad, bringing international design bloggers together to experience design fairs, learn from other top designers in the region of the specific fair, observe and enjoy the regional culture via architecture, food, people, and along with it, simply, and profoundly, to transform BlogTour participants' outlook on design, while the group shares and compares the experiences with one another and with their family, friends and followers.

Inspiring, no? Seen during London Design Fair

I know this to be an incredible experience because I attended the first BlogTour in London in 2011. Even then, in its infancy, BlogTour added knowledge and a stunningly expanded view of design outside of my bubble (even though I'm not in much of a bubble anyway, but it was a meaningful experience for me in many ways.)

Poggenpohl Showroom London
BlogTour by Modenus is not possible without the help of wonderful sponsors. The sponsors for BlogTourLA are:


Duverre Hardware



Lamps Plus


Mr. Steam



I look very much forward to interacting with the sponsors from BlogTour for one reason only (ok, the cocktails will be enjoyed too!) - to learn. That's what this is about for me. It's a privilege as a designer to have access to brands large and small, in many different ways and venues, to learn. Having access to the top people at these brands who can talk intelligently about design and technology, enhances my knowledge which benefits my readers and others. I'm grateful and ready to go!!!


Article originally appeared on The Kitchen Designer (http://sserrackd.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.